Sunday, December 24, 2023

Merry? Christmas


I recently shared this on my Facebook page, and thought you might like it too.

From my heart:

Recently one of my FB friends sent out a note of how this year there was no ‘Merry’. No family coming over to celebrate. No desire for decorations or fanfare of any kind.

My heart is just so saddened at the realization there are so many of us going through these feelings and hard times. I have been there myself at times.

There are 2 things i want to say. First, Christmas for me is not a sparkly, jingle-bell filled time of fun at the root. I celebrate Christmas because I have a God who loved me so much He sent his only son in the form of an infant, Jesus Christ, to become the only way I can have a relationship with my Creator. Wow. Awesome. So I approach Christmas with feelings of gratitude, thankfulness and a desire to spread this joy to others.

Second, I do like to decorate! Play special music and do special things! They don’t ‘make’ the holiday for me, but are expressions of my own joy. This time of year I can get very sad or sentimental when thinking of people I have lost. Why are they not here to celebrate with me? If I keep my eyes on the purpose of this time, it really helps me put things back in perspective.

It also urges me to reach out to others, as I realize I am not the only lonely one. I am not the only one who questions where the Merry is. Perhaps that is the key. Reach outside of yourself and see others who are lonely or alone. There is so much we can do to lift the spirits of others, and by doing these we lift our own spirits.

I do not mean go spend a bunch of money, or make yourself sing Carols or pretend that all is well, because it is not. Just reach a little outside of yourself and help make someone else’s holiday time a bit more livable. A bit more joyous. I know you will then find a bit more joy in your own life.

And it will snowball. Really! Who knows? You may even start to hum a little Christmas tune.

My sincere prayer and desire for each of you, my Facebook friends, is to have a Merry Christmas all year round.

Now go hug your mailman and tell them thanks.



Reminds me of the Star above the stable in Bethlehem

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