Thursday, December 19, 2019

A few Christmas giggles


Kaleidoscope by inkspired 

I don’t know about you,
But the whole 
6 Days Before Christmas
is starting to weary me.
Or panic.
Or both.

Today I think we all need a little giggle.
Maybe even a few giggles!
Here are some things that have made me laugh recently -

All cartoons were found on various boards on Pinterest.
None really gave credit to anyone. ☹️

Here are a few more to tickle your funny bone -

More cartoons from Pinterest

Far Side cartoon by Gary Larson

Today is just a simple blog,
nothing fancy.
I do hope it has brought a smile to your face!

I am adhering strictly to the above motto.
Anyone else with me?


‘Til next time,

Kaleidoscope by inkspired 

Truth: (learned from actual experience, usually before coffee and/or 10 am)
When setting your alarm clock for an important event
it is always a good idea to then
turn the alarm ‘ON’.

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