Monday, March 23, 2020

A Plethora of Boredom Buster humor, Part I

There’s nothing to do!


Is your March not coming in like a lion,
and going out like a lamb?

But more like going out with 
a Big, Loud, Whimper?

Cartoon by Sandra Boynton,
One of my all time favorite author & illustrator.

Are everyone’s nerves getting,
shall we say 
a little edgy?

Have you tried:

...checking on your neighbors?
(While remaining a safe distance away...)

...relaxing yoga?

Checking and re-checking your food supplies?
(In case any have multiplied or shrunk...)

How about taking the kids out for a walk?
(While maintaining a safe distance from
Anything Interesting...)

Tired of jumping on the beds?

Well, okay,
No jumping on the bed...

Then have you tried...

Extended nap times?

Oh. That didn’t work out so well either?

How about....

Watching clothes dry!


Oh. Tried that one already, did you?


Guess you better get out the “P’s”...
Paper, Paint and Pens,
Pencils & Protractors.

(Ok, so I was desperate for another “P” word.)

Kaleidoscope by inkspired and KaleidoCam 

Some hints:

Plastic drop cloths.
Put down as many as you have.

Big Button down shirts.
Can’t beat these for coveralls for kids.

Empty clean cans (smooth edges),
plastic containers & washed styrofoam trays

Photo posted on Pinterest by OOLY

Isn’t that a great art supply storage space?

If you don’t have anything like that,
here is an alternate made of things you may already have:
Posted on Pinterest by BuzzFeed,
Although I saw variations of this many places.

Now comes the fun part!
Let’s make something!

Unnamed artist creative space

Some hints:

Most crafty/art projects are adaptable for any age from wee-young to I’m.tired.and.old.

The youngest abilities will need constant supervision,
With minimal steps and ‘fussiness’.

The more ‘adult’ crowd may prefer more details and opportunities to individualize.

Know your budding artists!

Found on Artist’s Network page

My time is up.
Hazards of being chatty,
 making up for the first 25 years of silence.

Let’s close for today,
and I will share actual projects soon!
In the meantime, the internet is your friend.
Poke around, follow a few bunny trails
and discover!

‘Til next time,

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