Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Christmas iris folding


Kaleidoscope by inkspired

Today I want to share with you some more beautiful iris folded art.

In past blogs I have described how to make 
an iris folded design.
Some patterns I had to remove because the artist did not
want them shared on a blog.
That’s ok! 
As the creator she has that right and I respect that.

If you ‘google’ 
Iris Folding patterns
you can find pretty much any design you might want.

Here are a few samples of finished cards:

Unknown artist

Courtesy dee-craft.co.uk

By graphicby.com

By duloisircreatif.canalblog.com

All of the above were found on Pinterest.
Can you tell yet how much I love Pinterest?
Found this pattern that looks like the one used above.

More iris-folding:
Credit given: Craftsome.blogspot.dk

Credit: iris-folding.com

There are several sites to visit just from the above samples!
Don’t forget to search my blog with the key word
iris folding.

 Design by Joanne Sarter

Another graphicby.com card

I hope you try this easy craft out.
The results are beautiful!
(It’s our secret how easy they are to make!)

‘Til next time,

Truth: (usually discovered before 10 am, or before coffee)
Do not attempt to brush teeth before coffee.
The toothbrush doesn’t like it.
The mirror doesn’t like it.
The floor/rug doesn’t like it either.

Kaleidoscope by inkspired

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