Monday, November 18, 2019

Let’s look for Books

Kaleidoscope by inkspired 

That’s what books smell like.
That’s why I always wanted to have
a bookshop.
What better life than to trade in

- Sarah MacLean (The Rogue Not Taken)

Something that I would say, wholeheartedly!

Today I would like to share some photos of Bookshops,
Book Nooks, and Mobile Bookstores
from around the world.
Unfortunately many I could not find out 
exactly where they were located, 
so we will have to guess on those.

Let the tour begin!

Fullerton Public Library Vending Machine
Not sure where that is.

Tree Library, Berlin Germany

Re-purposed Telephone Box, Great Britain

Bibliambule, found in Paris.

‘Maybe this is why we read,
and why in moments of darkness
we return to books
to find words for what we already

-Alberto Manguel

Found on a beach, location unknown 

Book Bike
San Pedro branch of the Los Angeles Public Library system, USA

A book shop in Italy.
Love the books along the walkway!

Banana Stand Little Free Library,
Galloway, OH, USA

Pop-Up libraries,
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA

‘Let us remember:
  One book, one pen,
  one child, and
one teacher can
Change the world.’

- Malala Yousafzai

Floating Bookshop at Foxton Locks
(I don’t know where that is!)

Re-purposed phone booth, Germany

La Carreta Literaria
Possibly Cartagena, Columbia

and for my last one today
(Understand there are many more great libraries 
Around the world)
here is 

‘Weapon of Mass Instruction’

A converted tank by Argentine artist Raul Lemesoff

I love all the creativity!
But, isn’t that what reading is all about, anyway?
Truth & Lies!

I hope today finds you
Thinking outside of your box,
even if that means trying horseradish on something
you have never tried before.

‘Til next time,

Truth, learned by experience:

‘Skunk smell may remain in your carpets
for up to one year.’


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