Monday, February 8, 2021

3 rules for life’s troubles


All kaleidoscopes by inkspired and KaleidoCam app

I have been getting notices from google 
that my blog has too many words 
that are too small to read.
I think they must be referring to my credit captions at the base of most of my photos.

Today I am trying size huge (but not humongous yet) font and size of everything.
Let me know if you like it, don’t like _______ , etc.

However many of my photos have captions ON THEM, so I can’t really change font/size unless I spend A LOT of time re-doing work.
And I will still not be able to change up a fair share of them.
But then you, dear reader, are very much worth it.

Still. Not going to do it for now. At least not very many.
So, I’ll change what I can and leave what I can’t change.
Fair enough?

I am still struggling with the learning curve of the ‘new’ blogger. 
Seems more like a learning straight down the rabbit hole kind of curve. Instructions would have been nice, instead of this trial & error stuff I have been trying to muddle through.

Ever feel like life is like that?
Instruction manual would be preferred?

Found on Pinterest

When we had our first baby I sure wanted an instruction manual. He was SO tiny!
He only slept for 20 minutes at a time!
The whole burping thing never worked!
He threw up constantly!!

Unknown photo credit

Well, baby’s instruction manual never did arrive and we just had to stumble through it, barf and all!

Found on Pinterest

Fortunately he survived, and even turned into a fine young man. Pretty sure most of the credit goes to God however for that result.
(And Dr. Williams for changing his formula to soy.)

Many of my photos are found on Pinterest and have no credit with them. Sorry.
If you know someone I should give credit to, please let me know.
It’s all part of being responsible with other people’s things.

I am being rather scattered lately.
Is it because I am short on sleep?
The constant headaches?
Relationship drama?
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)?

Could be any, all or a few as I have them all.
Who knows? The thing I keep in mind however is that I have little to no control over any of those things.
So...I just muddle on, with a muddled brain!
I refuse to give the negativity of pain my main focus.
I will not let pain be the ring leader in my circus!


I exchange my pain for
Beauty. Laughter. Moments in nature.
These are far more powerful than anything pain can throw at me.
We are all surrounded by BEAUTY if we learn to look for it -

Photo credit: Ukrop

and there are so many things to make us chuckle, giggle, or laugh out loud -

There is nothing I find as refreshing as a quiet moment outdoors, mostly to just listen. Look. Absorb.

Wood Thrush by Ed Schneider,

We could all be so much better if we stopped focusing on the negative, the hateful, the ugly things that surround us.
I think pain falls in this category too.
I want to STOP giving pain any more of my attention!

It is difficult to focus on how you have been wronged when you are LAUGHING.

It is difficult to be filled with hate and rage when you are being still, in the quiet of NATURE.

It is difficult to wallow in the ugly, when you see BEAUTY all around you.

Photo credit Jose Pessoa

As I remind myself to not focus on the pain, but instead find something beautiful...something to laugh about...
finding a slice of time to be still and absorb nature...

I challenge you to do the same.

Then maybe, just maybe,
the pain will lessen, and I forget it is there.
Maybe, just maybe,
you forget how you were wronged,
or disrespected,
and instead find something to chuckle at,
or something beautiful you have never seen.
And then, maybe,
we will find we have something in common,
or even find a new friend,
so we can celebrate our differences
and rejoice in our ‘sameness’.
And maybe then we can laugh

‘Til next time,

Kaleidoscope by inkspired and KaleidoCam app 

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