Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Easter fun with paper dolls and

courtesy Indygo Junction

Let's start today's blog off with a paper cutting frenzied start!!

Paper Doll paper cutting frenzy that is!

You know I always have to fit in a Barbie or two...


This is a charming set of paper dolls, by month.
I chose February and March as they both seemed to have some 'Easter' type clothes and extras.

Be sure to print the pages with dolls and accessories onto card stock.

 Be sure to print the one above on cardstock!

These were all courtesy from a new web site I found:

My anti-virus program seemed to find several things 
that it found threatening on the above blog site. 
Use with caution.
We have Kapersky.

courtesy Indygo Junction.
They have charming downloadables plus more.

Here is a set called "Ginny"
It is from - an outstanding site for paper dolls!

courtesy OrigamiBears

"Remember that your children
are not your own,
but are lent to you
by the Creator."

- Mohawk Proverb

vintage hand sewn baby bib,

porcelain Russian Easter Eggs,

Here are a couple of paper dolls from the Jack & Jill magazine:


"Children are a great comfort
in your old age -
and they help you reach it
faster, too."

- Lionel Kauffman

Next I have two Joan Walsh Anglund Easter pages:

I love the bunny in that one!!

Here is a little cut & play village. 
Wouldn't it be cute with some of the paper dolls?

Try re-sizing a few times to get it to just the right size!
Another page the kids can cut out... yeah!

Have you seen those safety scissors that will not cut kids? I couldn't believe they would work, until I tried some. They really do work on paper! There is no metal involved, another plus. Mine are hot pink!

Remember those old silver metal safety scissors with the blunt tips?
I would get so frustrated because they wouldn't cut well! Probably had cut too  many cardboard tubes and play dough...

courtesy OrigamiBears

Even though I have shared Gentle Julia before, I thought her dresses looked very 'old-time Easter'. Enjoy!

crochet bunnies with tails,

Large size zip-lock baggies are perfect to carry around paper dolls and all their accessories and clothes. Also, they are quieter than a manila envelope.
Be sure to put in your paper doll 'goodie' bag: pages of paper dolls, appropriate to age, safety scissors, crayons, colored pencils, a pencil sharpener (manual only) and an extra baggie to hold crayon/pencil shavings.  Tailor this to the age of the kids that will be playing with them. I would also have a file folder with kids pages of activities and coloring pages.

If you're not including paper dolls, then have a coloring 'goodie' bag of:
coloring sheets and activity sheets, crayons, snack baggies if you will be giving crayons to children that are not sitting together, and a crayon sharpener with shavings baggie if needed. Usually for an hour or two service, I would not bother with a crayon sharpener at all.

Want to be a favorite aunt/uncle/friend?
Put in the goodie bags a small baggie of snacks for each child.


Try things like: cheerios cereal, raisins, craisins (dried cranberries), plain unsalted almonds, M&Ms (just a few), Rice chex cereal, and pretzel sticks.
You really don't want chocolate to muss up all those pretty Easter clothes!

Well, that pretty much winds up today.

Here is a poster/photo that I just love!

and on pinterest: kkloberdans

1 comment:

  1. You are having so much fun with this blog. I stop by from time to time to see just what you have been up to. Love the paper dolls. They were such fun.
