Let's do Easter bunnies!
Here is a bunny basket from the toymaker.
She has wonderful, wonderful paper toys you can print out and put together.
To help support her website, you can donate through PayPal,
which I would heartily recommend.
Here is another Easter Bunny project from the toymaker:
This bunny seems to prefer balloons over eggs:
Okay, I have to add the puppy to make the "few" make sense:
You can always color puppy like an Easter Egg!
Here is a super cute Bunny Basket by my favorite Craft Book author,
Sandra Lounsbury Foose.
You can decorate the bunnies with little flower stickers by the ears if you want.
Perfect for one special egg!
I think this is the book that has the bunny basket pattern in it:
She also has some adorable marshmallow peep bunny cards in:
Here are some more Bunny paperdolls:
"Little Bunny FooFoo, hopping through the meadow,
and one last Easter bunny for today:
You really do need to color Easter Eggs this year....
I like what you're doing. Keep up the good work! (and thank you for the ideas!)