Monday, April 11, 2011

Cherry blossoms for Spring

The weekend was so blustery with wind - ick. However the wind blew in some wonderful sunshine today! My daffodils are loving it!

I also have some small purple flowers that are coming up around my daffodils. I know I must have planted them, but I don't remember what kind they are!

“More grows in the garden than gardener sows.”
- Spanish proverb

My tulips leaves are still growing, but no sign of a bud yet. Our weeping cherry tree is beautiful with tiny white/pink flowers all along the flowing branches.

Let's enjoy some cherry blossoms today!

Here is a lovely Japanese Dolls of the World Barbie, with a traditional costume:

Feel like coloring a bit? I know I'm not the only 'adult' out there who likes to color!

If you have kids, sit them down after school today,
drag out a big box of crayons,

and have a fun Mom with Kids time!

(Don't you get so tired of the pick-up-the-kids-take-them-to......?)
Slow down!
My husband found a great coloring page site for me last night!
The cherry blossom tree is from it.
I also found the same site on a site.

Here is a lovely website that has the prettiest cherry blossom items for sale:
Look in the Asian Wedding section. Here is a small sample -

“Break open a cherry tree and there are no flowers,
But the spring breeze brings forth myriad blossoms.”
-Ikkyu Sojun
a sakura cherry blossom gold tone pin for sale on

Well, I think that's it for today!
I do have more cherry blossom poems, quotes, coloring pages and pix for a later time. Isn't this fun?

I checked out a new comment (5/2012)
and it looks like a photo album from someone.
Check it out for many many cherry blossom pages,
mostly white blossoms.
Thanks to all my viewers!
and yes....
I am still super excited about my New York Art Gallery showing!!
(see May, 2012 blogs)


  1. You for got to mention how tall the WEEPING CHERRY TREE gets

  2. Dear Ann,
    Weeping cherry trees range from 20 to 40 feet in height!
