Monday, November 4, 2019

Learning curves and leaves


Kaleidoscope by inkspired 

Today is a beautiful Autumn day.
We still have snow on the ground, and a chill in the air
the sun is shining and we have blue skies
with fluffy white clouds.

Vintage illustration

Just a note here - 
As I post photos, poems, quotes, etc.
I will always try to give credit to the originators.
Whenever I teach art classes
I ALWAYS ask my students to sign their creation.
Be proud of your work!
This is a unique piece that only
could create!
So, I try to pass that forward.

Sometimes however I have days like today.

Life with a Great Dane

I had plans. 
Then I had more plans.
Things fell apart.
Then more things became scrambled.
Might have to go back to bed.
Or throw my computer out the back door.....

Cartoon cred: Sandra Boynton
A favorite of mine!

Now I do understand everything I am about to say
is incredibly trivial 
when compared to children starving
Innocents being caught in wars
the extinction of hundreds of species
Every Year.

Photo card: the Guardian, Nepalese children

My day so far:
My dog does not understand time zones,
turning clocks back or
Melted snow makes mud.
At 3:30 AM he decides he has to go out.
My husband usually lets him out and feeds him at 4:30 AM.
I sleep.
Not today.
At 6:30 AM he decides I should be up. Then he goes back to bed. Have never figured this one out.

I decide to check out a website. But when I look for it I see that yesterday I was going through blog comments and mostly deleting spam from it. I have a couple years of comments to sort!
So I start sorting and see a very good comment on Ukraine.

This is called a bunny trail.
It wanders all around but not to the main issue/goal.

She had a good suggestion and was polite about it.
I searched for the post.
Wrong format.
I try to find it again, etc. until after some time I am on the post
But can’t correct the information.
(See Great Dane photo above)

“Nope, not now, not never.”
- Cowardly Lion, Wizard of Oz

And so we have our learning curve title.

Cartoon cred: Sandra Boynton

Dog wants out, he adores eating snow.
Snow is bad for dog. He gets incredible
clear-the-room gas.
Dog goes to far back of yard, and eats snow.
I call dog, he ignores me.
Repeat. 5x. Repeat.
I have to walk 3/4 the way through our mud field we fondly call ‘our backyard’ to encourage him to come in.
Did I mention MUD!!!

The next 35 minutes include:
8 bath towels
1 pair socks
1 pair tennis shoes
3 washcloths
1 bath mat
5 Milkbone treats
And last, but not least
probably a gallon of wet, sticky mud spread across a 4 room area.

I am exhausted. It’s not even noon yet, and I still have to clean up 2 rooms of mud in various stages of clumpiness and moisture.

Minion humor, unknown artist but prob’ly related to Pixar/Disney

Time to.... sign off.... zzzzzz
I will end with some Fall Leaves

Unknown artist

‘Til next time,
But after more mud clean-up,
Perhaps a nap,
Finding that website I was looking for
And most likely a Twinkie,

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