Thursday, April 15, 2021

An Omelette


Found on Pinterest 


Let’s make an omelette today.

This is a 5 ingredient omelette 

I made for breakfast yesterday.

(Plus a few herbs/spices)

Let’s get started!

🍽 🍽 🍽

Read through all directions first!


You will need:

1/3 Cup roughly chopped red bell pepper

1/2 stick butter

1 Cup roughly chopped mushrooms

6 Large eggs

4 Tablespoons milk or cream


I used fresh ground salt & pepper,

Dried minced onion (had no fresh!)

Dried Anaheim chilies, crushed

Onion powder

Let’s get started!

Prep work:

Crack 6 eggs into bowl.

Add 4 Tablespoons milk.

Whisk together, set aside.

Get your skillet hot, add 1/4 stick butter to melt. 

Add in mushrooms and stir until cooked

(About 1-2 minutes)

Remove mushrooms with slotted spoon.
Set aside.

Leave as much butter in the skillet as you can. 

Place skillet back on heated burner.

Add to hot skillet chopped red bell pepper.

In melted butter, stir until peppers are crisp-soft.

Remove from skillet with slotted spoon,

leaving as much butter in pan as you can.

Add to mushrooms, set aside.

🥣 🐄 🥣

Add bowl of whisked eggs and milk to hot skillet.

As eggs start to set, 

push an edge to the middle and tip pan 

so eggs will run onto hot skillet surface.

Continue gently pushing semi-cooked eggs towards middle, tipping pan so runny eggs flow onto hot skillet surface.

When eggs stop running freely,

Turn heat down.

Add your sautéed mushrooms and red peppers, 

leaving a 1 1/2” border with just eggs.

Cover skillet for 30 seconds on low-medium heat.

Watch! You might need less time!

Add salt and pepper, sparingly.


Now is the time to make your omelette Your specialty!

Choose your herbs and spices and sprinkle on egg mixture 


You can always add more later.

Check your egg mixture now.

I like my eggs well done, so if there are runny parts

I place a lid over the skillet 

and keep the heat at med to med-low for no longer than 

less than 1 minute (think 30-45 seconds).


Now comes the tricky part.

With as large a spatula as you can find,


flip half of the omelette over, on top of the first half.

Don’t worry if it breaks apart, just flip it until

 half rests on top of the other half.

This really does take a bit of practice!

Slide omelette out of skillet and onto plate.


You’ve done it!

Kaleidoscope by inkspired and KaleidoCam 

A few beginner tips:

These are just a few things that if you are a beginner cook you may not have heard of, or known.

1. Cooking is flexible. You will make mistakes, but most of them you can still eat! Relax, have fun!

2. When breaking eggs and a piece of shell falls into the bowl, use a large piece of shell to scoop it out. 

Much easier!

3. When whisking eggs, slightly tip the bowl to one side. You will see others holding the bowl while whisking; this is why. Makes the job faster, easier. 

4. Eggs cook better when room temperature.

5. Before you turn on the heat, set all ingredients out and to the side. This includes all bowls, spoons, etc.

6. If your omelette just looks too messy on the plate, add a topping! Think ‘blanket to cover it’. 

Easy fixes can be green chili sauce; melted cheese 

with a dollop of salsa or a couple of mushroom slices;

small  amount of sour cream, spread lightly 

with a red bell pepper twist on top... 

Remember, you are learning!

7. I use salted butter, so I do not add much additional salt. Depend more on the flavors of herbs like basil, lemon pepper, onion powder or dried minced.

You can taste more flavors if they are not covered up by salt. 

8. Fresh herbs have the best flavor. Dried herbs lose their potency and become weaker in flavor. Keep this in mind! You will need different amounts depending on the freshness of herbs & spices. 

(Was reminded of that the hard way with oregano and spaghetti sauce!)

Polish artist Alina Sibera

I hope you try out omelettes if you have never cooked one before.

There are all sorts of tasty ingredient exchanges to make each one unique and yummy.

‘Til next time,


If you have any suggestions or comments, I love to hear from my readers!

‘In the Pink’ paper floral centerpiece or wall hanging

Created by inkspired 

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