Thursday, November 14, 2019

Weather and Doodling


Oh, the weather outside is frightful...🎵 🎶

Kaleidoscope by inkspired 

We have been having typical weather here -
warm days of 75 degrees Fahrenheit,
then snow the next day, high of 30 degrees.
Next day - mild with enough sun to melt 2/3 of the snow.

We can drop or add 30 degrees easily in one day.

 Vintage advert 

So it’s time to ready your car for the Fall season,
Including but not limited to
Snow tires
Snow scraper
Windshield wiper fluid
Sun shade
Bottled water
and various snacks.
Sandra Boynton cartoon


If you’re stuck inside because of the weather
let’s do some Zentangles!

A basic just for fun zentangle by inkspired 

A Zentangle found on Pinterest

The word ‘zentangle’ was created for this specific type of drawing art style. The ‘zen’ stands for the calm and peacefulness you can have by doing repetitive patterns.
The ‘tangle’ refers to the doodle part of the art form.

Found on Pinterest

Can’t draw?
That’s ok! Everyone can doodle, 
And that’s basically what zentangle is all about.

Do you know what USA President was famous 
for his doodling during meetings?
His doodles have even been made into a book!

First lightly sketch a basic outline - start with simple 
like a square, circle or simple shape.

A simple zentangle grouping by inkspired

(I like to use a multi-media paper in a spiral bound format.
The paper is smooth, so your pen doesn’t skip,
and the book lays flat.)

Then divide that shape into sections. 
They can be wavy, symmetrical, whatever looks good to you.
Now the fun starts!

You can purchase different handout sheets from the above web,
Teachers pay teachers

Starting with one section, start a pattern.
This can be any pattern,
Start with something simple like circles,
dots, squiggles, whatever you like to doodle.
Fill the section up with the same pattern.

Now move on to another section.
Pick a different pattern -
it’s not supposed to match or coordinate.

Another original inkspired design, mounted and layered to make a greeting card.

Getting the idea?
Now do a little research.
There are many many books out now 
with patterns, how-tos and techniques.

An original zentangle by inkspired printed and layered to make a greeting card.

Follow the directions and learn a few patterns.
Become familiar enough that you don’t need to look at directions anymore. You can draw them anywhere.
These will become your go - to patterns
you will use often.

Beautiful zentangle leaf found on Pinterest, drawn on specialty paper.

My favorite pens to use are EnerGel liquid ink pens
.05 needle tip by Pentel in black.
If you plan on printing out several of one design,
the black copies best.

Others prefer the Micron pens in black
or use all the different colors they come in.
Zentangle drawn with a white pen onto a real leaf
found on Pinterest

You can do this!
Once you get started I hope you find it to be a fun,
relaxing pastime that calms and refreshes.
You hardly noticed it was snowing outside,
didn’t you?

2 zentangle original designs by inkspired. Hand colored.

Share with us your efforts!

I am starting a new ‘tradition’.
I will be ending with a truth I have ‘learned’ from my experiences.
Hint: many have occurred before 9am.
I am not a morning person.

‘Til next time,

You will not find milk in the pantry.
Or in the plate cupboard.

Trivia question answer:
President John F. Kennedy 

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