Friday, November 15, 2019

Snuggle with a book


Kaleidoscope by inkspired

Colder weather always awakens in me a desire 
to snuggle under a blanket and read a book.

Artist: Kim Parkhurst 

‘I have always imagined paradise
will be a kind of library.’

- Jorge Luis Borges (Obvious State)

I have always loved to read.
A big part of that is due to my 1st grade teacher.
She taught us how to read using method A.
It took us approximately 6 months to become proficient.

Then she taught us how to read using method B.
We learned that in 2 months.

Then she taught us a reading method C.
We all got that in 1 month.

At the end of the school year
we all tested in the top 3% of reading scores 
in the entire state of Alabama!

Fabulous Book Nook!

‘She read books as one
would breathe air,
to fill up and live’

- Annie Dillard (The Living)

Artist: George Hartley, American, born 1933

I have no use for the reading ‘method’ of learning
a prescribed list of words.
What happens when you come to a word not on the list?
You have no idea how to read it.
You never learned the basics of how letters
I believe this is a large part of America’s
Dumbing Down.
Keep the people illiterate 
and you have control over them.
(Rant over now)

June 1923 magazine cover

Read, read, read!
Unknown artist

Make a nice, cozy spot where you can cocoon yourself
away from the world,
the daily stresses and constant interruptions.
Then travel to other places, other worlds!

Photo manipulation digital art by Gusti Yogiswara

‘That’s the thing about books.
They let you travel without
moving your feet.’

- Jhumpa Lahiri 

Photo manipulation digital art by German artist Christine Ellger
I think I hear a book calling my name!

‘Til next time,

No matter how many times you go in your closet
You will not find any coffee there.

(Truisms are learned by myself from actual experiences,
Usually before 9:30am and/or coffee.)

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