Friday, April 2, 2021

You are HOW old?


All kaleidoscopes by inkspired and KaleidoCam  

Another birthday has come and gone,

and you’re exhausted.

Sound familiar?

Art Impressions, People collection

Just saw some photos of celebrities.

They were scary.

When did wrinkles become an enemy

to be vanquished at all costs?

In today’s modern society

why do we still think aging is something to be avoided, something to be covered up?

When I see people that have had so much 

plastic surgery to ‘keep looking young’

that now their eyelids can’t close,

and their lips look like a couple of really fat worms,

it makes me sad.

I believe if you want to stay young at heart
and even young in your outward looks,
You must keep your sense of humor!

You can nip and tuck and pull all you want,

but without laughter you will always

Look Old.

Embrace Joy!

There are so many benefits from laughter.

You can even benefit from just smiling!

Here is a partial list of some of the positive results from smiling and laughing -

- helps relieve pain

- increases your immunity

- reduces blood pressure

- decreases heart rate

- reduces stress hormones

- increases blood flow to cells and organs

& oxygenates cells and organs

Releases 3 ‘feel good’ hormones

—- dopamine

 —- endorphins

—- serotonin

Smiles have even been researched 

and proven to increase your life span!

Laughter doesn’t just give you a longer life span,

it gives you a higher quality of life.

“A warm smile is the universal

language of kindness.”

- William Arthur Ward

‘A day without laughter
is a day wasted.”

-Charlie Chaplin

So stop already the fear of getting old!
Stop the unending search for Youth in a bottle!
Stop the whining!
Stop the grouchies!

Look for the humor in everyday life - it’s there.
Find the silly, the ridiculous.

Give a smile to 4 people you don’t know,
Every day!

I hope today’s blog gave you some good ideas on how to feel better, make others feel better,
and hints on how to live a
happier, longer life.

‘Til next time,

Thanks to several sites for research information, photos and quotes:

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