Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Fire fighting heroes

Fire! Fire!

All kaleidoscopes by inkspired and KaleidoCam app 

Seems like we have fires everywhere.

In Colorado we get smoke from California,

Montana, Wyoming, New Mexico, even Arizona.

Photo credit Mark Thiessen

I live close to the Rocky Mountains foothills.

We have crazy airstream paths,

which is why we get drifting smoke from 

so many varied locations.

Without volunteer firemen our mountains and towns
would look majorly different.
Many people would have died,
many animals would have lost their lives,
and countless homes destroyed.

How can I not be grateful?

Posted on Pinterest by reddit 

‘The difference between 
a good life 
and a bad life
is how well you walk 
through the fire.’

-Carl Jung

Whole Truth Project, found on Pinterest

I remember after 9/11/01
a certain British singer made the public statement
I don’t know what the big deal is
about firefighters.”
and followed that with some inane comment
about how ‘they were just doing a job,
no big deal.’
I stopped listening to her songs after that.
I simply have no respect for someone 
who is so publicly...
uninformed? Uneducated?
Unable to connect with reality?
Completely unapologetic?
My money paying to further that? 

Ah, the power of the irate consumer...

Okay, okay. 
I’m off my soap box for now!

“People who fight fire

with fire

usually end up with ashes.”

-Abigail Van Buren 

A 9 ton steam powered fire engine,
1889 - Cost: $7,000
Posted on Pinterest by Silodrome

Campfire Cupcakes
version 1
Mimi’s Dollhouse

Super easy to make/decorate!

Use a chocolate cake mix for cupcake.
Fit a pastry bag with a swirl tip.
Divide can ‘o vanilla frosting into thirds.
Color 1/3 yellow, 1/3 red & 1/3 orange.
Fill pastry bag with frostings by ‘painting’ 
separate colors in stripes, from tip upwards.
Squeeze out swirls on top of cooled cupcakes.

Melissa K, from Twitter, posted on Pinterest

Campfire Cupcakes
Version 2

Life Love Liz, Pinterest

That version comes with a recipe 
if you check it out on Pinterest.

The ‘dirt’ is graham cracker crumbs!

The first fire truck of Orange, CA.

Purchased in 1911 it served for 10 years.

“I haven’t been carried like this
since my wedding night!”

Firefighter Sean Weibe of the
Nanton Fire Department.

Campfire Cupcakes/mini Cakes
Version 3

Bubbly Nature Creations
Posted by Rachel@SprinkleSomeFun, Pinterest 
She has included the recipe.

You can also find the recipe for how to make 
the spiky hard candy ‘flames’ there.

Posted on Pinterest by imgur

A 1929 Ford Model AA fire truck

Campfire Cookies
with Version 4 campfire

5 mug/mug, Pinterest 

Those are gummies for the flames in the center!

The fire you kindle
for your enemy
often burns yourself
more than them.

-Chinese proverb

1938 Packard Super Eight fire engine.
Courtesy Gooding & Company; photo credit: Mike Maez

Summertime campfire snacks
Version 5
Earning and Saving with Sarah Fuller

I would probably anchor it all with 
some peanut butter or Nutella.
Love the cut cheese!

Courtesy FarrWest Environmental Supply

Well, I always gather more information
and photos that can reasonably
fit into one blog.
I will have to do another
fire fighting blog in the future.
I already have most of the media 
and info needed for one!

Taken in Boise (Idaho) National Forest
From Flickr, posted on Pinterest

Look closely at the center, bottom.
That’s a fire fighter.

Thank you fire fighters.
Words are not enough for the job you do.

‘Til next time,

Courtesy Lantern Press

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