Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Blues and a Barn

All kaleidoscopes by inkspired using KaleidoCam 

Today is a blue day.
Yesterday was rainy and overcast. An okay day.
I do crave my sunlight though.

This morning I woke up to a gray and cloudy sky.
Didn’t really want 2 of those days in a row.
the sun is peeking out and hopefully deciding 
to stay out for awhile.

I love to read God’s promises from the Bible.
Sometimes I lose my path, my energy, my calm.
But God never does.
He is the same Today,
                               and Forever.
What a comfort in this rapidly changing world.

I am refreshed only when I keep my eyes on Him.
Then it doesn’t matter if it is cloudy or sunny!

Found on a poster site, Pinterest

Let’s search for some sunny, happy things
to chase away those cloudy day blues...

What’s needed here is a cute animal,
or a baby something.

A little lamb laughing just about cures the blues!

Let’s go to the farm and visit Farmer Joe.
There might be more sunny things there.
Who knows who we might meet?!

Hello there Andrea Alpaca!
Looks like you are still digesting something
 you ate last night.
Ok, ok, I’ll leave you in peace
as I have some cheering up to do.

Hey there Dan Donkey!
Anything going on today?

thanks anyway.
(Guess I don’t speak ‘donkey’ very well.
Sure sounded like ‘Bee-eef Haul’...)

Some kind of commotion going on over there.

What do you know about that, Randy Rooster?
You’ve said all you’re going to say this morning 
and mum’s the word until tomorrow?

Guess we’ll just have to keep walking over there.
Say, what’s happening Billy Bunny?
Ummmm, yo! Billy!
Well, he certainly seemed in a hurry.
Looks like he left some fur on the vegetable 
garden fence too. Farmer Joe isn’t going to like that.

Hi Marlene Moo.
No, I don’t have time for a cup of milk right now.
No, I really can’t stay and exchange recipes with you either.
Oh, lemon cream crepes? With real whipped cream?
Sounds delish. We’ll have to chat next time. Bye!

That Marlene Moo, she just talks and talks
and talks and talks.
And it’s always about food!
Must have something to do with her 4 stomachs...

Quick! Go to the back of that shed!
Sharon Sheep almost saw us!
So I am complaining about the weather,
and feeling blue
but that girl complains about everything!
Her pen is too dirty,
Her wool needs washing,
She wants to listen to music,
but not that kind of music...
Her grain tastes funny today,
She needs a manicure...
We would still be here 3 days from now
trying to get away from her complaining.

Seems we are getting closer to all the fuss -
There’s Gustav Goat!
Let’s ask him!

No Gustav, I did not bring my coat for you to eat.
Say, Gustav, do you know wh....
No Gustav, you may not nibble on my shoelaces.
No Gustav, my hat goes on MY head, not yours.
Sorry Gustav, we really have to get going...
I’ll bring a snack next time for sure!
No Gustav, my pant leg is not yummy...
Gotta’ run now!

At last! A farm resident that seems normal!
Hello, Helen Hen, nice to see you again.

Farmer Joe did what?!!

Oh, Helen I am so sorry to hear about your eggs.
He took all of them?
Even the ones you hid in the grass?
That is so sad...
Well I need to scoot, I’m checking out the riot 
going on over at the barn.
Of course, I would never tell Farmer Joe where your
new eggs are hidden.

Well if it isn’t my old friend Llarnelle Llama!
How are you? I see you have a new hair stylist!
Looking pretty spiffy there, Llarnelle.
I think this look is a keeper for you.
Oh, sure, ramble on over to the girls,
I’ll catch up with you later.
(He is such a ladies llama!)

Things are looking a bit more cheerful.
Oh look! There’s my friend Patty Pig!

How are you Patty?
Do you know what’s happening over at the barn?

A big box arrived?
What was in it?
Oh no, Patty, I would never accuse you of being nosy!
Of course I don’t think you are a gossip...
Forget I asked, okay?
It’s just nice to see you.
Okay, I’ll let you know next time I’m going to visit
and you can take a bath and clean up.

Patty sure was touchy today...

Hi Doris Duck! Great to see you!

Hi Gary Goose!
Lookin’ gooood!

Thought I would say hi to Farmer Joe....
yes, he’s in the barn you say?

Farmer Joe!
That is beautiful!

No wonder everyone’s making a big to-do!

Congratulations on your new John Deere!

‘Til next time -
(I have to go ride a new tractor now!)

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