Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Peace on earth


Kaleidoscope by inkspired 

The crowds and stress and 
Hurry Hurry Hurry
of the days before Christmas
are done.

It is Christmas Eve now!

Things are quiet here.
A dog barking in the distance.
Christmas lights twinkling inside and out.

‘Ornaments’ by Sulamith Wulfing

Okay, I still have wrapping to do
and some clean up from last minute 
craft projects.
I also need to make my Pea Salad for tomorrow.

But I’m not feeling rushed.
Just enjoying the quiet
and reflecting on what Christmas means to me.

Found on Pinterest

Kaleidoscope by inkspired 

My wish for you is that you know
You are loved.
That you know true inner peace,
and that you never forget
how to laugh.

Artist: Inge Look (with 2 dots over each ‘o’)

Lil’ Peeps ‘round the world
Created by inkspired, and Cricut.
The ‘earth’ was made by M. Nelson.

With that in mind,
let’s share some giggles!

Cartoon funnies found on...where else?

Tee Hee

Now, let’s not leave out the canine part of the family:

Time for me to go wrap a few presents
and have a bite of dinner.

Who knows?
I might even write out a few 
belated Christmas cards! 

Kaleidoscope by inkspired 

‘Til next time,

 Truth: Addressing Christmas cards
before coffee and/or 10 am
is a waste of time.
You’ll just have to re-address them after coffee.

1 comment:

  1. Have you checked out my blog ‘Commotion in the Barn’?
