Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Play with those Talking Veggies!


Pumpkin Kaleidoscope by inkspired 

As we enter the month of November 
my thoughts turn to the upcoming American holiday of

Cred: Cartoonist Jon Russo

While it may seem that retail has pushed Thanksgiving aside 
it remains a unique American tradition.

1940 - 1950 illustration, artist unknown

Just don’t ask any Native Americans what they think about it,
as you might find out they have drastically changed their views on the subject after the first one.

November 1937 magazine cover
Artist unknown 

Let’s talk of vegetables today,
an essential ingredient to any Thanksgiving meal.

Vintage seed catalog cover, 1901

I just love vintage illustrations!
Did you notice the turn of the century gardening tools?

Vintage seed catalog cover, 1899

Apparently in the past, we had different ideas
about advertising....

I mean nothing says 
“Buy me! Plant me! Eat me!”
Like these:


Yes dear, now eat your vegetables..”

Here’s a favorite,
Anthropomorphic vegetables, smoking!

Yep, nothing says healthy like smoking vegetables!

Kaleidoscope by inkspired

‘Better to eat vegetables and fear no creditors,
Than eat duck and hide from them.’

- The Talmud

Vintage vegetable advertising, 1898

‘It’s no use boiling your cabbage twice.’
-Irish proverb 

On that thought, I will close for today.
Let me know what you think about talking vegetables
in the Comments section!

‘Til next time,

Vintage seed catalog cover, 1903

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